Design Twitter



In this article, I'll try to design Twitter.

STEP1: Constraints and user cases

Use Case

  • People can post tweets
  • Follow other people
  • Favorite tweets

What we should figure out

  • How many users do we expect this system to handle?
    • Aim for 10 million users generating around 100 million requests per day
    • Expect that each user will be following 200 other users on average, but expect some extraordinary users with tens of thousands of followers
  • How many requests will that generate?
    • Expect that there will be a maximum of 10 million tweets per day and each tweet will probably be favorites twice on average but again, expect some big outliers


  • Edge of the network of users
    • 200 follows * 10 MN = 2 BN edges
  • The number of favorites
    • 10 MN tweets * 2(twice fav) = 20 MN favorites


  • 10 million users
  • 10 million tweets per day
  • 20 million tweets favorites per day
  • 100 million HTTP requests to the site(daily)
    • 1150 requests per second
  • 2 billion "follow relations"
  • Some users and tweets could generate an extraordinary amount of traffic

STEP2: High-level Design


  • Application Layer
    • posting new tweets(write)
    • following a user(write)
    • favoring a tweet(write)
    • displaying data about users and tweets(read)
  • Data storage layer
    • the data storage that we will use to store all the data that needs to be persisted

STEP3 Understanding bottlenecks and Scalable Design

Handling user requests

  • 1150 HTTP requests per second
  • Set a load balancer and a set of application servers running behind it
  • The load balancer routes requests to the servers using some predefined logic
  • Disadvantage
    • A single load balancer is a single point of failure, configuring multiple load balancers further increases complexity.

Storing the data

  • The data
    • Users profiles
    • A set of tweets
    • Follow relationships
    • Favorites
  • Tweets will be generated at an average speed of 10 million per day
    • for a single year there will be 3.65 billion incoming tweets
    • Aim for a solution that can store efficiently at least 10 BLN tweets for now
    • 1 tweet : 140 characters
    • 140 * 10 BLN = 1.4 trillion => 2.8 TB(1 character: 2byte, 1TB = 2^40 bytes)
  • 2 billion each connection
    • follower and followed => 2 user IDs
    • 8(two 4 bytes integer) * 2BN = 16BN bytes => 16 GB(1GB = 2^30 bytes)
  • The favorites are expected to grow at a rate of 20 mln per day
    • Let’s say we want to be able to store at least 20 bln such objects
    • They can probably just point to one user and one tweet through their IDs
    • 8 bytes(User IDs) + 4 bytes(Tweet ID) = 12 bytes
    • 12 * 20 BLN = 240 BLN bytes => 240 GB
  • Expected Data: 2.6 - 2.7 terabytes

Read/Write access

  • In order to handle the incoming read requests we may need to use a caching solution
    • A database stores data on disk and it is much slower to read from disk than from memory
    • Databases usually have their own caching mechanisms but with memcached we have better control over what gets cached and how
  • Add the appropriate indexes
    • This will also be vital for executing quick queries joining tables
  • Partitioning the data

STEP4: Low-level Design(Optional)

Database Scheme

Building a RESTful API

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